المناطق الصناعية : دورها في التنمية الاقتصادية والتحديات والمشكلات التي واجهتها (مع الاشارة الى تجارب بعض البلدان )


  • مدحت راضي القريشي


The developing  countries,  during  the  1980s , resorted to establishing free zones , as well as free economic  and industrial zones, as a means to promote industry, and enhancing  economic development .   For this purpose the developing countries used various kinds of incentives, namely tax incentives , basic services as well as infrastructure.

This paper aims to study  the  industrial zones  and analyses their impact in enhancing  economic development , by attracting foreign  investment  , creating  a competitive environment for  investment , encouraging  transfer of technology, creating work opportunities and expanding exports .The paper, also,  looks into the problems and challenges , facing some countries  in this respect .Then, certain questions  concerning  industrial zones are raised by the researcher ,   which we try to answer, in the light of  the analyses and the experiences of some countries .

Finally ,some conclusions are drawn , as well as some recommendations  are made to enhance the success of those zones, and overcome their  problems .

