دراسة قطاع الإسكان في العراق تحليل الحقائق وإيجاد الحلول


  • م. م علياء حسين خلف الزر كوشي


The importance of this sector stands for the roles that can be do in different economic aspects of the GDP, and by making constant capital, and generate the income and employment opportunities being activity with intensive  work , this sector is related to other activities such as( the construction industry , electrical, health, business, and construction sectors).                                                                           

The research aims to provide appropriate and adequate housing for all citizens with suitable options in terms of type and location which related to the ability and the size of the family and make the housing sector as a productive sector ,this research is divided  into four sections , the first dealt with the concept and importance of the requirements of the housing sector, and included the dimensions of the housing sector ,the second fiction dealt with  withe reality of the housing sector in Iraq, according to the pivotal facts and challenges, the third section came as a review of the relative importance of the ownership of the housing for GDP fixed incurrent and fixed prices  (1988 = 100), as well as capital formation , finely  the last section was a series procedures to solve the problem of the housing sector in Iraq, as well as conclusion and recommendations.    


