المصارف الإسلامية بين ثوابت الشريعة ومقتضيات تطور الأحوال


  • الدكتورعبد الزهرة فيصل يونس


The subject of Islamic banks is allergen to argumentativeness and this subject is still aplace of divination and suspicion , therefore conservative understanding for blessed texts which sometimes didn’t see in present unless extending for past , the days rotating not circumstances change because agree whit centuries ago can agree what present confiding and another comes until god curl the earth , therefore we find ourselves infront of two attitudes both of them extremist , between deploring    no-go to deal with Islamic banks and content capitulator that he didnt think in question as aduty and not necessity for content indeed .

For explain the differ in both of two theories , our study comes to analyze philosophical trends for these banks and facilities of application and disagree with consensus of jurists and agree or get near from asthmatical treatments for commercial banks posture or depart , thus we get upon intellective base that we can make emitting rules and appraisment of necessaries which go on that way or depart from it  , because banker activity didnt consider individual behavior but its addition ring for general economical activity , effective in its attidue and limit growth average and control with curvature of stabilizing in it .To achieve this goal we begin our study with seeing over for bases of job in commercial banks then we focus upon Islamic banks that deal with in their job and juristical outputs that base upon , at the end we find group of scientific conclusions .


