تحليل العلاقة بين تقلبات الموازنة العامة ومؤشرات القطاع التربوي في العراق للمدة (1980-2013)


  • أ.م.د. فلاح خلف الربيعي
  • د. علي شديخ الزبيدي


This research analyzed the effects of fluctuations in the general budget in Iraq on the educational sector indicators, to reveal the nature of the relationship between economic and educational sectors that are going through the educational budget Canal. After the educational sector financing has become purely government, fluctuations in the general budget began to reflect on growth the educational sector to form cycle identical economic cycle (Boom, recession). When the economic sector has witnessed rapid growth during the period (1974 - 1982) the educational sector, get a high proportion of the general budget, which led to an improvement in performance indicators in this sector. When economic growth indicators were low during the period (1983 - 2003) as a result of wars and international sanctions, the relative importance of the educational budget fell as a result of a shift in the priorities of government spending in favor of the military and security sectors,  performance of the education sector declining and  scored negative indicators in enrollment rates, , as well as structural imbalances in the school supply and especially school buildings and school supplies. Financial measures did not work during the period (2003 - 2013) to correct those imbalances by increasing the investment capacity of investment, as a result of a


