Financial discipline and its reflection on sustainable development in Iraq


  • Dr. Sohayla Abdulzahra


Sustainable development, Financial discipline


The intervention of the government in the modern economy is a necessary in order to reach the goals that can be in the interest of the individual and society, and identify the mechanisms that chart the paths of interaction of micro and macroeconomic variables. Thus, fiscal policy has become a very important pillar in the economic environment, a variable that has an important link with sustainable development in order to preserve a green economy far from waste and loss of resources.

Government expenditure, taxation, public debt and the public budget with a developed free economy, where information is spread very quickly among members of the community locally and internationally, are carefully monitored by individuals and institutions, as these tools are closely linked to individuals' activities and organize the plans of institutions action. And take the individual objects and calls for the need to amend some items or arrange the work part of these tools, in order to be consistent with his interests and maximize the gains for all and provide a stable work environment for individuals within the economy.

Therefore, the government's behavior and economic program must be formulated with a high degree of financial discipline in order to avoid losses that may be suffered by society and economy, as well as confusion that may interfere with the work of economic activities and financial burdens that may be borne by the public and private sector. In In order to protect the rights of future generations in the natural resources of the economy and not to exaggerate the expenditure sections to stimulate the economy, and to overcome the crises and shocks and challenges facing fiscal policy.


