Strategies For Financing Education And Possibilities Of Transition Towards A Productive University And Integration In The Labor Market: Selected Experiences With A Special Reference to Iraq


  • Munaf Marza Neama
  • Alaa Abass Dakhil


Financing strategies, productive university, labor market


Higher education faces many challenges in relation to social and cultural development goals, as well as the inability to provide specific outputs and projects that are compatible with labor markets for production methods or production relations, which depend mainly on the qualitative content of knowledge and skills. Such serious economic and social challenges make us more concerned about our ability to secure adequate funding requirements for higher education, and in the light of these challenges further substantive discussion of funding sources, including privatization of higher education and private sector investment in the Higher education, knowledge and economic content in the light of the global trend by looking for new channels of higher education and allowing private higher education institutions to open them.


