A Suggested Model For Calculating The Quality Costs Associated With Fighting Terrorism At Checkpoints: A case Study The Logus Check Point


  • Abdul-Hussein Lahmood


Quality Assurance, Checkpoints, Counter-Terrorism.


The frameworks of this research cost the quality associated with combating terrorism and focused on how to measure those costs at checkpoints and suggested a model for implementation at any point of disintegration, as these points are centers of responsibility and cost centers of a productive and service nature together, where those points (service) produce terrorism A production center, and all sectors of the economy support production, life and public safety by providing that service as a service center. Because this service is tangible and intangible, this research attempts to limit and quantify the costs of quality associated with fighting terrorism - being a service - at checkpoints and compare those costs with the immediate and future benefits that these points achieve. The researcher reached a set of conclusions and recommendations that terrorism A global phenomenon that all countries of the world suffer from, and combating it requires the use of advanced technologies coupled with continuous training for personnel at checkpoints, taking into account the hidden costs of terrorism, which are no less important than the other costs of terrorism.


