Impact of Military Expenditure on the Development Track in Iraq for the Period (1990 – 2016)


  • Ali Hussein Mohammed
  • Prof Dr. Nidhal Shaker


Impact of Military. Development Track



The military spending is the focus of the followers of the political and economic followers of the world is witnessing a great acceleration in the increase in military expenditures and opportunities to achieve progress in economic and human development, As military spending is an obstacle to achieving progress in civil activities, especially in developing countries in general and Iraq in particular for Iraq's importance internally and externally, Hence, Military spending also has poor effects on economic and social variable, this study is based on a basic assumption that the increase in military spending has a negative impact on the development process, Military spending has been a major economic cost through its depletion of large economic resources in addition to having a significant impact on the development process in Iraq, The research considers it necessary to allocate part of the military expenditure to serve the civil sector by involving the army in investment and active participation in the development of all sectors.


